Looking to outfit your vehicle for Overlanding or Work? We have the products for you. From every day vehicle floor mats to the latest overlanding gear. From roof racks to hitch racks and even camping gear. We have the products in-stock or can get it for you fast. Ask us about shipping options also.

*Need your vehicle turned into something more adventurous? *Maybe your vehicle needs to function better for work. We do custom Van, Truck, SUV & Trailer builds for work or play!
Work Hard Play Hard
A passion for working hard and playing hard is what we are all about!
I grew up in the great small town of Williamsburg Iowa. Respect for family, community, and the beautiful land we live on has always been important to me. Growing up on my parents acreage, grandparents farm and neighbors farms, started the work ethic. Playing in farm fields, creeks and ponds is how exploring the outdoors definitely started. Learning the value of working for the things you want came early. I have worked in construction since I was a teenager. Held a job through school and sports seasons. In the off season and summer I would often hold 2 jobs. Saving my money for bicycles, camp gear & vehicles. All through school I rode a BMX bike around town hitting every curb, broken sidewalk, tree root that could launch me in the air. Working and playing outdoors has always been a part of me. I have owned more bicycles and cars than you can imagine. I have always been a Jeep Guy. I have owned a Jeep CJ7, multiple Grand Cherokees, a Comanche, a Wrangler TJ, an Cherokee XJ, a Grand Wagoner, and a Wrangler JKU. I have a creative busy mind that never seem to shut off. I used to paint and draw to express that creativity. Now I use that creativity in many ways for OUT 2 Xplore.

Why we started
To Bring great quality Sales products to Iowa City and areas beyond.
Vehicle Accessories, Overlanding, & Camping Gear
We started this business to get people outdoors and on adventures. Out 2 Xplore is an Overlanding business, at heart. We provide customers with everyday vehicle accessories, overlanding products and basic camping gear. Our Out 2 Xplore family knows how important it is to spend time together in the outdoors. Time spent around a campfire, on trails (Jeep or Bike), paddling some waterway or just chillin’ in a camp chair in the shade. These things are a perfect way to keep you balanced. Our services will make outdoor adventures more accessible to everyone. Our plan is to bring quality sales products and builds to the area. If you want to try a demo unit we have some of that also. All of our demos are available to rent.
What can we do for you? Installs * Custom builds * Need a build consult * Need a Van, Truck, or Trailer outfitted for work * We have you covered
We now have a In-House product line call T2X. A growing line of Brackets and HDPE products. Designed for our shop use, to achieve clean quality installs. These are now available to the DIY person or Build Shop similar to ours.
And when you are ready to purchase, please let us earn your business!
Follow Out 2 Xplore on Facebook and Instagram for updates on what we offer.
Who we are
Hi I am Jody Gorsh (pictured above), I’ve have had a passion for camping, and love for basic outdoors since I was a kid. That passion has gotten even stronger as I’ve grown into an adult. Whether I am with my family or a group of friends, I’ve had great opportunities to explored by bike (on and off road), on foot, and by canoe/kayaks. I have spent many wonderful nights sleeping on the ground in tents. Yet enjoying the pleasure of being off the ground also in a Jeep with RTT, camper, RV, or a cabin. I have had many wonderful chances to explore our beautiful US. Experiencing these great outdoor activities in states like – Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Michigan, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, California, Colorado, Utah, and Florida. We have even Mt. biked the island of Aruba. With many more adventures planned for our near future. By JEEP, BIKE, FOOT or PADDLEING, our adventures have just begun!
Where To Find Us
We are based out of Iowa City in Johnson County, Iowa. We are here for this great community and all the other great surrounding communities.